HTML Entities

On this page you can view many of the HTML entities that can be displayed on a web page. Try your own entity code here.

If you see an empty rectangle in the second column (“Character”), that means your browser does not support the named entity. Try the numbered entity for the same character; you may see better results.

Better yet: Get Firefox. It will display all these characters and is a much better browser!,/

HTML entity names ARE case-sensitive, so use them as shown here.

Here you can see all the Unicode characters that your browser is capable of displaying.

Click on any symbol to see an enlargement of the glyph.

Select entity type:

Description Character
IPA characters
Latin small letter turned A ɐ ɐ ɐ
Latin small letter Alpha ɑ ɑ ɑ
Latin small letter turned Alpha ɒ ɒ ɒ
Latin small letter B with hook ɓ ɓ ɓ
Latin small letter open O ɔ ɔ ɔ
Latin small letter C with curl ɕ ɕ ɕ
Latin small letter D with tail ɖ ɖ ɖ
Latin small letter D with hook ɗ ɗ ɗ
Latin small letter reversed E ɘ ɘ ɘ
Latin small letter schwa ə ə ə
Latin small letter schwa with hook ɚ ɚ ɚ
Latin small letter open E ɛ ɛ ɛ
Latin small letter reversed open E ɜ ɜ ɜ
Latin small letter reversed open E with hook ɝ ɝ ɝ
Latin small letter closed reversed open E ɞ ɞ ɞ
Latin small letter dotless J with stroke ɟ ɟ ɟ
Latin small letter G with hook ɠ ɠ ɠ
Latin small letter script G ɡ ɡ ɡ
Latin letter small capital G ɢ ɢ ɢ
Latin small letter Gamma ɣ ɣ ɣ
Latin small letter Rams horn ɤ ɤ ɤ
Latin small letter turned H ɥ ɥ ɥ
Latin small letter H with hook ɦ ɦ ɦ
Latin small letter Heng with hook ɧ ɧ ɧ
Latin small letter I with stroke ɨ ɨ ɨ
Latin small letter Iota ɩ ɩ ɩ
Latin letter small capital I ɪ ɪ ɪ
Latin small letter L with middle tilde ɫ ɫ ɫ
Latin small letter L with belt ɬ ɬ ɬ
Latin small letter L with retroflex hook ɭ ɭ ɭ
Latin small letter Lezh ɮ ɮ ɮ
Latin small letter turned M ɯ ɯ ɯ
Latin small letter turned M with long leg ɰ ɰ ɰ
Latin small letter M with hook ɱ ɱ ɱ
Latin small letter N with left hook ɲ ɲ ɲ
Latin small letter N with retroflex hook ɳ ɳ ɳ
Latin letter small capital N ɴ ɴ ɴ
Latin small letter barred O ɵ ɵ ɵ
Latin letter small capital OE ɶ ɶ ɶ
Latin small letter closed Omega ɷ ɷ ɷ
Latin small letter Phi ɸ ɸ ɸ
Latin small letter turned R ɹ ɹ ɹ
Latin small letter turned R with long leg ɺ ɺ ɺ
Latin small letter turned R with hook ɻ ɻ ɻ
Latin small letter R with long leg ɼ ɼ ɼ
Latin small letter R with tail ɽ ɽ ɽ
Latin small letter R with fishhook ɾ ɾ ɾ
Latin small letter reversed R with fishhook ɿ ɿ ɿ
Latin letter small capital R ʀ ʀ ʀ
Latin letter small capital inverted R ʁ ʁ ʁ
Latin small letter S with hook ʂ ʂ ʂ
Latin small letter Esh ʃ ʃ ʃ
Latin small letter dotless J with stroke and hook ʄ ʄ ʄ
Latin small letter squat reversed Esh ʅ ʅ ʅ
Latin small letter Esh with curl ʆ ʆ ʆ
Latin small letter turned T ʇ ʇ ʇ
Latin small letter T with retroflex hook ʈ ʈ ʈ
Latin small letter U bar ʉ ʉ ʉ
Latin small letter Upsilon ʊ ʊ ʊ
Latin small letter V with hook ʋ ʋ ʋ
Latin small letter turned V ʌ ʌ ʌ
Latin small letter turned W ʍ ʍ ʍ
Latin small letter turned Y ʎ ʎ ʎ
Latin letter small capital Y ʏ ʏ ʏ
Latin small letter Z with retroflex hook ʐ ʐ ʐ
Latin small letter Z with curl ʑ ʑ ʑ
Latin small letter Ezh ʒ ʒ ʒ
Latin small letter Ezh with curl ʓ ʓ ʓ
Latin letter glottal stop ʔ ʔ ʔ
Latin letter pharyngeal voiced fricative ʕ ʕ ʕ
Latin letter inverted glottal stop ʖ ʖ ʖ
Latin letter stretched C ʗ ʗ ʗ
Latin letter bilabial click ʘ ʘ ʘ
Latin letter small capital B ʙ ʙ ʙ
Latin small letter closed open E ʚ ʚ ʚ
Latin letter small capital G with hook ʛ ʛ ʛ
Latin letter small capital H ʜ ʜ ʜ
Latin small letter J with crossed-tail ʝ ʝ ʝ
Latin small letter turned K ʞ ʞ ʞ
Latin letter small capital L ʟ ʟ ʟ
Latin small letter Q with hook ʠ ʠ ʠ
Latin letter glottal stop with stroke ʡ ʡ ʡ
Latin letter reversed glottal stop with stroke ʢ ʢ ʢ
Latin small letter Dz digraph ʣ ʣ ʣ
Latin small letter Dezh digraph ʤ ʤ ʤ
Latin small letter Dz digraph with curl ʥ ʥ ʥ
Latin small letter Ts digraph ʦ ʦ ʦ
Latin small letter Tesh digraph ʧ ʧ ʧ
Latin small letter TC digraph with curl ʨ ʨ ʨ
Latin small letter Feng digraph ʩ ʩ ʩ
Latin small letter Ls digraph ʪ ʪ ʪ
Latin small letter Lz digraph ʫ ʫ ʫ
Latin small letter bilabial percussive ʬ ʬ ʬ
Latin small letter bidental percussive ʭ ʭ ʭ
Latin small letter turned H with fishhook ʮ ʮ ʮ
Latin small letter turned H with fishhook and tail ʯ ʯ ʯ

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